"Our son can not have chocolate. He has a sensitivity to what chocolate is made of. He is only 4 years old. It is extremely hard to tell your son no to chocolate when everyone else can have it. His sensitivity can be serious (seizure). Thank you."
"I am just so grateful that you make these delicious "treats" for some of us who are trying to be healthier, but still love sweets. Love that you make carob taste good." CS
“The quality of missy J’s mint carob truffles are phenomenal. The way they melt in my mouth and the pure delight they bring me, keeps me hiding them from my family members and eating them in the laundry room or bathroom or under the bed so I don’t have to share them. They give me that “mmmm....chocolate” feel, but without the chocolate causing my joints and muscles to tighten up. I LOVE the truffles more then I love my husband. (In fact...how many truffles could I get if I trade you my husband?....) AB
"It's the healthy fats from the Coconut Oil and Carob that provide blood sugar stabilizing benefits, which other candy can say that?
Missy J's truffley treats uses organic Coconut Oil, which can heal the intestinal lining and prevent food sensitivities from developing. Carob also provides the body with antioxidants, fiber and gallic acid, which regulates the digestive tract.
These allergen free candies work for almost every diet plan, without dairy, wheat, caffeine or added sugars. These treats are amazing for people, adults as well as children, with all kinds of allergy or health concerns."
Jennifer Tingstad NE liveprajna.com
'I haven't tasted anything that good that is healthy...it's carob, not chocolate, right?"
"Best carob I have ever tasted"
"Not the carob from my childhood"
"That's chocolate as far as I'm concerned"
"Getting more for your taste buds"
"What's not to love?"
"Softer and creamier than you imagine"
"I was not expecting that!!" Yumm!
"It has the BEST consistency, even better than chocolate"
"You wouldn’t know it's not chocolate" FOOD SCIENTIST
"Oh Yes You Candy has produced 'Missy J's truffley treats" a wonderful "treat" for people who cannot eat dairy but who would like a safe and delicious treat. These are divinely inspired. Jodi has managed to take carob -- a food that is usually linked in our minds to trail mix in the 1970's-- and give it a modern renovation. 5 stars!!!"
Mary F. Shackelton MPH, ND is a Naturopathic Doctor who practices family medicine with an emphasis on women’s health.
“Missy J's are just divine natural yumminess. Eating these "melt in your mouth" delights you’ll never miss the chocolate!”
Carob pod or Ceratonia siliqua, is both a healthy food and medicine. Native to southeastern Europe, western Asia and northern Africa, it is a large evergreen tree growing up to 30 feet tall. The tree does not bear fruit for sometimes 15 years, but thereafter bears plenty. One tree can harvest up to one ton of fruit in a single picking!
Used within ancient Egypt it was eaten as a delicacy, aphrodisiac and used to treat ailments of the digestion. The 1st century Greek physician Dioscorides wrote that ‘carob acted to relieve stomach pain and settle the digestion’.
Today Carob is mainly used as a healthy alternative to chocolate as it is both nourishing and sweet, having naturally occurring sugars it does not require as much added sugar as chocolate does and does not have the caffeine or theobromine that chocolate has, which can have harmful effects such as causing anxiety, upsetting the digestion or being overly stimulating.
HELEN JOFFEE, BSc Deg, Phytotherapy, Clinical Herbalist